6 Months Diet Before Weight Loss Surgery

6 Months Diet Before Weight Loss Surgery

Thousands of people try different methods to lose weight. But few succeed. Even those who go on a diet for 6 months before weight loss surgery are sometimes not successful. Doctors are therefore forced to delay surgeries. As the days are delayed, more weight is gained. So, is there a right weight-loss method for everyone?

Losing weight is a very difficult battle for both men and women. Deciding to enter this war is more difficult than winning the war. For this reason, doctors ask patients who apply for weight loss surgery to lose weight first. A 6 months diet before weight loss surgery requires determination.

Why Do You Need a 6 Months Diet Before a Weight Loss Surgery?

Gastric bypass surgery and other obesity surgeries are collectively known as bariatric surgery. It also includes changes to your digestive system to help you lose weight. Bariatric surgery is done when diet and exercise don’t work or you have serious health problems because of your weight.

All surgeries are performed only by a specialist doctor. After the necessary examinations are made, it is decided whether the patient is suitable for surgery. If the patient is deemed suitable for surgery, then a 6 months diet before weight loss surgery is given. If the patient does not comply with this diet, surgery is not performed.

What is a Weight Loss Surgery?

Vertical ligament gastroplasty, commonly known as stomach reduction or sleeve gastroplasty, is a restrictive weight loss surgery that reduces the amount of food that can be consumed before feeling full. The surgery isolates a small portion of the stomach for food processing. In this way, the amount of food the patient eats decreases and he does not feel hungry immediately.

But the most important point of these surgeries is to change the patient’s eating habits. In order for the surgeries to be successful in the long term, the old diet and lifestyle should be abandoned. For this reason, doctors apply a 6 months diet before weight loss surgery. If the patient sticks to this program, he can easily get used to the diet after the surgery.

Who Can Have a Weight Loss Surgery?

Normal weight depends on height and age. Body Mass Index or BMI, term used to express the degree of overweight. You can calculate your BMI yourself by dividing your body weight (in kilograms) by your height (in metres) and then dividing that number back by your height (in metres). From the age of 18, a BMI between 18.5 and 25 is considered normal.

However, currently almost half of the world’s population has a BMI over 25 and is therefore overweight. If BMI is higher than 30, obesity is mentioned. This situation begins to cause serious health problems. For this reason, doctors want patients to lose weight by 6 months diet before weight loss surgery.

Does Diet Help You Lose Weight After Weight Loss Surgery?

How fast you lose weight varies from person to person. This is related to a number of things such as your age, diet before and after surgery, medication use, comorbidities and/or conditions (such as diabetes), but also the amount of physical exercise after surgery. Previous bariatric operations, such as gastric banding, may also make you lose weight less quickly.

Generally, the fastest weight loss is in the first weeks/months. On average, patients initially lose 1 pound per week. This is of course the result of a small stomach. But mostly you do it yourself with your adapted lifestyle. For this reason, you should pay attention to your diet program after the surgery, just as you care about the 6 months diet before weight loss surgery.

Can I Gain Weight after Weight Loss Surgery?

Typically, patients begin to gain weight after a year of maximum weight loss. The greatest weight gain occurs after relatively light operations. As the severity of the surgery increases, the likelihood of the patient gaining weight becomes more difficult. However, it is still not impossible.

Even after the most difficult surgeries such as gastric bypass, patients can gain weight. Experts say that stress is unnecessary in this regard. Because the person can gain 3-8 kg after the surgery. This is a natural number. However, in order not to gain more, the patient needs a diet program such as a 6 monthly diet before weight loss surgery.

Is There a Painless Weight Loss Surgery?

Gastric band technique is one of the non-surgical weight loss methods. There are not many incisions in the body. A special ring is attached to the upper part of the stomach. The applied ring divides the stomach into two, giving it an hourglass shape. The narrowing between the small and large parts of the stomach is about 1 cm in diameter.

Thanks to this operation, the food eaten causes a feeling of fullness very quickly. Thus, the total amount of food decreases sharply and weight loss begins. Since the operation is easy, the patient recovers very quickly. It is possible to return to business life in a short time. In order not to return to bad eating habits after the surgery, you must follow a 6 monthly diet before weight loss surgery.

What Is the Best Weight Loss Surgery?

There are different surgeries performed to lose weight. The factor that determines the most successful of these surgeries is the condition of the patient. Every person is different and needs different treatment methods. Therefore, it is not very accurate to compare the results of the surgery. However, there is a method that has been applied to many patients in recent years: Gastric bypass.

Gastric bypass surgery was formerly a treatment for stomach diseases. But later it was observed that it contributed to the weakening of the patient. Later, doctors applied the principle of gastric resection to the treatment of obesity and got good results. Thanks to this operation, patients can lose weight quickly by eating less. However, it is essential to follow a 6 monthly diet before weight loss surgery.

Is a Weight Loss Surgery Permanent?

All surgeries to lose weight are permanent. Thanks to this surgery, hundreds of people manage to lose weight every year. Since it provides weight loss, it also affects other health problems positively. The first step for treatments such as gastric bypass or sleeve gastrectomy is to stick to a 6-month diet before weight loss surgery.

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